July 2020 Featured Product Line: NPK Hydraulic Hammers
Highway’s July 2020 featured product line showcases NPK’s extensive line-up of hard-hitting hydraulic hammers. With 17 models to choose from, you will find an NPK hammer that is just right for your needs. All NPK hammers come with a three-year warranty and the benefit of NPK innovation.
With only two moving parts, a gas-powered piston that delivers more impact per blow than competitor’s models, and an anti-blank firing system that prevents your hammer from firing if the chisel is not loaded, you will experience increased productivity and reliability that will keep your NPK hammer going longer.

Check Out NPK's Full Line of Hydraulic Attachments
Highway also sells NPK’s full hydraulic attachments line.

Contact your Highway sales representative to find the right NPK hydraulic hammer and attachments for your jobs and your equipment.
Get Your Hammer Rebuilt at Highway's NPK-Certified Rebuild Centers
Hammers have a hard life, so don’t forget that Highway is an NPK-certified rebuild center. Call your local Highway service department to schedule your NPK hammer rebuild.
